Four Ways To Quit Making Your Landlord Rich

Posted on: 18 June 2018

Landlords and landladies have been making tons of money for hundreds of years. Your own landlord is probably not that old, but he does seem wealthy. Renting apartments and houses is always a fairly lucrative business. If you are tired of taking your hard-earned money and lining the landlord's pockets and giving him lots of tax benefits, there are things you can do to quit making him rich and make yourself better off. [Read More]

What Should Go Into A Great Offer For A Home

Posted on: 18 June 2018

If you've found the real estate listing for your dream home and want to make an offer, it is definitely something you want to put your best foot forward with. A seller can accept or decline an offer letter for a variety of reasons, and may select another offer if there are multiple offers on the table. Here is what should go into a great offer to ensure all your bases are covered. [Read More]

5 Things To Consider When Looking For Your Next Home

Posted on: 18 June 2018

Whether you're looking to rent or buy a new home, there is a lot to consider. You want to make sure that you choose a great home that will meet your needs and make you happy. Luckily, there are many great homes out there. It just takes a bit of thinking and planning. Keep reading to better understand what to consider when looking for your next home. 1. Choose the Type of Home That Will Work Best for You [Read More]

4 Things You Need To Know About Buying A New Construction Home

Posted on: 18 June 2018

For many prospective home buyers, purchasing a new construction home is preferable--and for a number of good reasons. When you buy a brand new home for sale, you get to enjoy knowing that you're the first and only person to have lived within its walls. Furthermore, you get to enjoy the peace of mind in knowing that all the home's major components (including the HVAC, roofing, and appliances) are brand new! [Read More]