Buying Your Home The Short Sale Way

Posted on: 22 June 2018

Any amount of time spent reading through real estate listings will likely result in a number of those that indicate 'short sale'. You may be wondering what this means, particularly when the home seems to be priced at a decent enough bargain price. Buying a short sale home might turn out to be the best value ever, but it pays to fully understand what you might be getting into. Read on for an explanation of what makes a home a short sale. [Read More]

What Is The Difference Between A Realty Broker And A Real Estate Agent?

Posted on: 22 June 2018

Whether you're looking for commercial properties or residential properties, you may have noticed that some of your contacts are listed as "brokers," while others are listed as "agents." For many, this is a vague, industry-related term. However, there are a few major differences between a realty broker and a real estate agent that could influence who you wish to work with. Realty Brokers Generally Have More Education A realty broker will usually have both more education and more experience than a real estate agent. [Read More]

When Do You Need A Real Estate Agent To Rent A Property?

Posted on: 22 June 2018

Most people are accustomed to working with an agent to buy a property, but an agent can also be used to find a rental property as well. It only makes sense: many rentals are represented by agents, so why not get an agent of your own? Here are a few special situations in which you may want to work with a real estate agent who specializes in real estate property rentals. When You Live in a Major Metropolitan Area [Read More]

Card Key Systems On A Budget

Posted on: 22 June 2018

If you are looking to increase security at your business, then it may be a good idea to invest in a sophisticated card access control system. The systems can cost a good deal of money, and if your company is a smaller one, then you may be unable to afford the most high-tech system possible. But there are a number of things you can do to reduce your costs without having to sacrifice security. [Read More]